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America, as we know it, may forever change. I don't say this lightly.

Did you ever wake up and wonder how America became so backwards? Politicians on both sides seem to divide. I'm done with politicians.

What we need is leadership, and I am done waiting for someone to step up and represent who I am.

Decisions don't have to be made down party lines. They do have to be made in the best interest of "We the People".

Our current Representative does not represent me or my beliefs.

I am campaigning for the 2nd Congressional District, House of Representatives, state of Connecticut.

For those who know me, I am dedicated to what I set out to do.

I have 30 years in the Connecticut Army National Guard.
8 years enlisted.
22 years as an officer.
4 deployments after 9/11.
(Two of them, combat tours in Afghanistan, where I earned my Combat Infantry Badge, after conducting air assault operations to clear Taliban villages; for seven weeks straight)
21 years in the Infantry.
5 years teaching at Officer Candidate School. (3 years as an instructor and 2 years as the Commander)
Officer Candidate School trains soldiers to be officers and warriors to be leaders, for the US Army.
1 year as the Connecticut State Planner and Leader of the Homeland Response Force. (A response force to Chemical, Biological, Radiation, Nuclear or High Explosive attacks throughout the entire New England Region.
I was working as the State Intelligence Operations Specialist, but just ended that part of my life to pursue the new battlefront; our future.

On the civilian side, I worked 20 years as a correctional officer in a maximum security prison (retired).
7 years on the correctional Special Operations Group (SOG), as the facilities hostage rescue team and transportation team for high risk inmates.

My views are conservative, but one cannot discredit all ideas simply because they are put forth by another party. Good ideas can come from anywhere.

Thanks for your time.